Appartamento Di Vacanza Bredebro

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Appartamento Di Vacanza Bredebro: Ballum S10234

Just three kilometres from the town of Tønder is the majestic Royal palace of Schackenborg, where - with a little luck - you may spot members of the Danish Royal Family. The local marshes and the unique Wadden Sea are also well worth a visit, as are the region's many museums and historic collections. Take a relaxing walk through the historic streets of Tønder, or a stroll or cycling trip through the charming ... Descrizione e contatti

Destination: Bredebro, Sonderjylland, Danimarca


Type: appartamento di vacanza

Appartamento Di Vacanza Bredebro: Ballum S10234

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from 27,14 € / Day

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